2021-2022 Age-Friendly Community Action & Implementation Plan
Project Process
Engagement and input from current residents, community organizations and health partners, data analysis and information review, as well as best practices research of initiatives other communities are undertaking will be used to develop an Age-Friendly Plan for the community.
There are two key components to the project. The first is the preparation of an Age-Friendly Needs Assessment Report. Data collection and analysis, review of existing City policies and strategies, and feedback from residents and organizations will help us to identify key needs or gaps across the eight key areas.
The Needs Assessment will then inform the development of an Age-Friendly Community Action & Implementation Plan which will identify key strategies and priorities that the City and community partners can implement to help support older residents in remaining in their community with appropriate supports and community amenities, services and programs.
It is anticipated that this project will take approximately ten months to complete.
Community Engagement
Residents, community organizations and other key stakeholders will have several opportunities to get involved and provide their input into the process and preparation of the Needs Assessment report and Community Plan.
Review the Community Engagement Summary Report and provide your feedback on our preliminary vision and ideas for action!
DOWNLOAD PDF: Community Engagement Summary Report